IAGA2002 data format description |
The following format is designed as a data exchange format for geomagnetic data (samples and means) from observatories and variometer stations at time intervals from millisecond up to and including monthly means. Description of the headers:Mandatory header and optional comment records begin with a space character in column 1 and end with the vertical bar | (ASCII 124) in column 70. Content labels begin in column 2 and descriptions begin in column 25. Format: indicates the format name: IAGA-2002. Source of Data: the name of the institute responsible for collecting the data. Station name: the name of the station (with a first capital letter). IAGA Code: the official IAGA 3-letter station code. Geodetic latitude of the station location - positive north from -90 to 90 degrees. Geodetic longitude of the station location - positive east from --180 to 180 or 0 to 360 degrees. Elevation of the station location - in meters above mean sea level. Reported: magnetic field elements in the order recorded in data record (XYZF,HDZF,...). Sensor Orientation: physical orientation of the observing instruments, i.e. XYZF, HDZ. Digital Sampling: the rate (in seconds) of the data sampling of the magnetic field sensor (instrument) or the digitizing interval for analogue data. Data interval: the mean or instantaneous time interval of the data. Data type: provisional (P), definitive(D), quasi-definitive (Q), or variation (V). Description of the data fields:DATE: indicates the calendar date in ISO YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g.: '2011-11-11' for November 11, 2011. TIME: indicates the time of the measurement in ISO hh:mm:ss.sss format, e.g.: '03:45:00.000'. Time is UT. DOY: indicates the day of the year, from 1 - 365 (or 366 for leap years). The following headers indicate the data columns: IAG - the IAGA-code, V1,V2,V3 stand for the magnetic component values (X, Y, Z; H, D, Z,...) and F stands for the total field. IAGV1: Data value for the horizontal component (H) or North component (X), nT, depending on the the vector magnetometer sensor orientation. IAGV2: Data value value for the declination (D, degrees or E, equivalent nT) or East component (Y, nT), depending on the the vector magnetometer sensor orientation. IAGV3: Data value value for the vertical component (Z), nT. IAGF: Data value value for the total field (F), nT. More information about the IAGA2002 data format Please note: if the requested data interval contains different 'Sensor Orientation' values the response will be split into several parts each conforming with the IAGA2002 format. In this case the parts will be delimited with the special notice containing the part number and the included data interval, e.g.: % part 1 of 3: 2015-03-31 00:00:00.000 - 2015-03-31 23:59:00.000 |