In terms of increasing the density of the existing network of subequatorial magnetic observatories, a collaborative decision was made by GC RAS and A. Nazarov Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology of the National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia (IGES NAS RA) to install a magnetic observatory that would meet the INTERMAGNET requirenents in Armenia. In April 2017, a magnetic survey was carried out at the future observatory location within the IGES NAS RA geophysical test site near Gyulagarak (Northern Armenia), and the suitable areas were chosen for the construction of observatory pavilions and the azimuth mark were localized. in 2018-2019 the pavilions were completed. Due to the presence of near-surface andesite-basalts containing ferromagnetic minerals (revealed by magnetic susceptibility measurements), the observatory pavilions were constructed on high piles to avoid magnetic effects. In 2019, the POS-1 scalar magnetometer and the Mingeo DIM for absolute measurements were installed at the absolute pavilion. The vector magnetometer was installed in February 2020 in the vector magnetometer pavilion.
In case of successful project implementation, the Gyulagarak observatory will be the only point of magnetic field observations within a huge territory (the nearest observatory is located in 1200 km). Therefore, the creation of such observatory will significantly advance the geophysical research on Caucasus and will make a significant contribution to the study of the main magnetic field evolution.
 Absolute pavilion
 POS-1 proton Overhauser magnetometer
 MinGeo DIM THEO010 theodolite with a fluxgate magnetometer
 Variometer pavilion
 FGE fluxgate vector magnetometer
 Azimuth mark for absolute measurements
 Data acquisition system at the main building
V. Sargsyan, 5 A. Nazarov Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology, Gyumri 3115, Republic of Armenia
Tel.: +374 312 312 61 (Director)