The magnetometer network in the region of the Kara Sea and the Yamal Peninsula has been operating since 1972. At the beginning of the 1980s, digital magnetic variational stations based on quartz magnetic sensors were actively introduced into the geophysical research practice in the Far North region. A special design bureau of physical instrumentation of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR carried out serial production of 53 digital magnetic variometers based on quartz sensors which, with the active participation of Pushkov institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radiowave propagation (IZMIRAN), were then installed as a network of USSR magnetic observatories and stations.
The image below displays a schematic map of a network of magnetometers in the Yamal Peninsula region. Stations currently active are marked red. Some stations have been transferred from analogue to digital regietering since 1985, and digital data is available on the Magbase file storage. Dashed lines show the geographic latitudes.
 Map of Yamal geomagnetic network. 18 - Salekhard (SKD), 11 - Beliy Isle (BEY), 13 - Kharasavey (KHS), 25 - Nadym (NAD)
Realtime geomagnetic data from Salekhard (SKD), Beliy Isle (BEY), Kharasavey (KHS) and Nadym (NAD) stations (and some others) is available at the IZMIRAN data portal.
Technical equipment:
- BEY: Quartz-3 digital vector magnetometer;
- KHS: Quartz-4 digital vector magnetometer;
- NAD: Quartz-4 and MF-03-R digital vector magnetometers;
- SKD: Quartz-3 and Quartz-4 series digital vector magnetometers.
 MF-03 digital vector magnetometer
In 2015, a virtual geophysical laboratory project, including the development of a methodology for regional space weather forecasting, was launched with the participation of IZMIRAN.
Science on the Yamal Peninsula is focused on solving applied problems related to the industrial development of the region, studying the influence of environmental factors on public health, and developing the agro-industrial complex. Obviously, the magnetometric testing ground on the Yamal Peninsula can serve as the basis of the Earth’s magnetic field monitoring system, which is in demand in all geophysical and related environmental observations.
Kaluzhskoe rd., 4 IZMIRAN, Moscow, Troitsk 142190, Russia
Name: Dr. Alexander Zaitsev
Tel.: +7 (496) 751-02-93
Name: Dr. Valery Petrov
Tel.: +7 (495) 751-01-21