Norilsk Observatory (NOK)

Norilsk Complex Magnetic-Ionospheric Station is a high-latitude observatory of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. The station is located in the aurora zone at a point with geographic coordinates 69.4N and 88.4E.

The main objectives of the Norilsk station include:

  • carrying out a full range of continuous geomagnetic measurements;
  • studying the ionosphere using the inclined and vertical radio sounding technique;
  • monitoring of cosmic ray.

Observatory main building

Absolute pavilion

Variometer pavilion

Fluxgate magnetometer Mag-01H with non-magnetic theodolite

POS-1 overhauser proton magnetometer

Quartz and LEMI-008 magnetometers in the variometer pavilion


Lermontov str., 126A
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Name: Dr. Alexander Potapov

E-mail: potapov‹at›iszf‹dot›irk‹dot›ru

Tel.: +7 (3952) 511673

Fax: +7 (3952) 511675

Name: Mikhail Prikop

E-mail: prikop‹at›iszf‹dot›irk‹dot›ru

Tel.: +7 (924) 2936786

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