Klimovskaya observatory is located in the Arkhangelsk region near the Svyatoe Lake in a picturesque and ecologically clean area free from urban and industrial influence.
Since 2011 Klimovskaya station is being deployed by the Geophysical Center RAS in collaboration with the Institute of Physiology of Natural Adaptations, the Ural Branch of RAS (IPNA UB RAS). The observatory will be installed on the territory of the "Rotkovets" geological and biological station, the base for various biological and medical researches of natural systems and human population of the nearest settlements.
In 2011 in collaboration with the Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation of RAS (IZMIRAN) the Quartz-3 vector magnetomener was installed in a wooden pavilion on the slope to the south from the main building of the station.
In December 2011 the FGE vector magnetometer was temporarily installed in the main building by GC RAS's specialists. Both of these vector magnetometers provide 3-component magnetic field data, and the comparison of their records proves their correct functioning.
In July 2012 the GC RAS's specialists performed a magnetic survey of the anomalous components of the total magnetic field and its vertical gradient on the territory of the station using the GSM-19GW gradientometer. After that the most appropriate sites for absolute and variometer pavilions construction were chosen. Later, in October 2012, these sites were approved by the detailed magnetic survey, and the locations of pillars were marked for the future buildings.
In 2014 a full geomagnetic observatory hardware set was installed, and Klimovskaya observatory began functioning. Absolute measurements are being carried out on a regular basis.
Due to its location, this station, when upgraded to the observatory status in the nearest future, is supposed to provide the magnetic records free from any anthropogenic noise.
 Main building
 Variometer pavilion, where the IZMIRAN Quartz-3 vector magnetometer was installed till autumn 2017
 Observatory site: absolute pavilion (front), variometer pavilion (back)
 Absolute pavilion
 GSM-19 proton precession magnetometer
 Mingeo DIM THEO 010 A with a Model G fluxgate magnetometer
 Variometer pavilion (GC RAS)
 Azimuth mark for absolute measurements
 FGE vector magnetometer at the variometer pavilion
 TRM-10 automatic temterature regulating system in the outer room of the variometer pavilion
 Leading Engineer A.Groudnev setting up the MAGREC data acquisition system at the main building
Rotkovets IPNA UB RAS base Klimovskaya, Konosha District, Arkhangelsk Region 164034, Russia
Name: Dr. Anatoly Soloviev
E-mail: geomag‹at›gcras‹dot›ru
Tel.: +7 (495) 930-05-46 Fax: +7 (495) 930-05-06