In 2012—2013 in terms of modernization of magnetic field measurements modern magnetometers were installed on the geophysical observatories managed by the Institute of Cosmophysical Researches and Radiowave Propagation, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKIR FEB RAS) (Magadan, Cape Shmidt,
Paratunka and Khabarovsk):
- GSM-19FD dIdD magnetometers (GEM Systems), registering the full magnetic induction vector F and the variations of magnetic declination (dD) and inclination (dI) at intervals of 1 to 5 seconds and with a resolution of 0.01 nT for F; RMS for dD and dI is about 4" and 1", respectively;
- DI magnetometers (declinometer/inclinometer) Mag-01H on the basis of a non-magnetic theodolite Wild-T1 ( Bartington Instruments Ltd, United Kingdom), for the determination of the absolute values of magnetic declination and inclination with rms about 3"; the fluxgate sensor sensitivity is 0.1 nT.
The main objective of the modernization was to provide magnetic measurements satisfying the INTERMAGNET quality and to increase the reliability of the magnetic measurements of the Magadan magnetic observatory.
Khabarovsk geophysical observatory was included into the INTERMAGNET network in 2013.
 GEM Systems GSM-19FD dIdD magnetometer (sensor)
 Wild-T1 theodolite with a Bartington Instruments Mag-01H fluxgate sensor
 Plots of D0 and I0 data for the KHB observatory
Khabarovsk geophysical observatory Zabaikalskoe, Khabarovsk region, Russia
Cape Schmidt geophysical observatory Cape Schmidt 689350, Iul'tin District, Chukotka autonomous region, Russia
Name: Zinaida Dumbrava
E-mail: labfiz‹at›vzm‹dot›kht‹dot›ru
Tel.: +7 (421-53) 47-710