Novosibirsk geophysical observatory was founded in 1962 as a complex magnetic-ionospheric station (CMIS). The construction of the first stage of the station construction was finished in 1964. The site for construction was chosen taking into account such factors as proximity to the Novosibirsk Scientific Center (NSC), which is in 10 km, and the special infrastructure and suitable geological and landscape conditions.
Novosibirsk geophysical observatory is participating in the following worldwide geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial physical networks:
Observatory data archive includes:
- analogue magnetograms on photographic paper (H, D, Z, F components) and their digital image copies for the period 1966–2004, digitized with a resolution up to 1 minute;
- digital hourly mean total field values (IAGA standard, H, D, Z, F components), since 1966; The copy of the hourly value database is located in the World Data Centre for Geomagnetism (Edinburgh) and in the World Data Center for Solar-Terrestrial Physics (Moscow);
- digital 1-minute data (IAGA standard, X, Y, Z, F components), since July 2003;
- annual mean magnetic field values published in a special IZMIRAN volume.
 Main observatory building
 Observatory view
 Absolute pavilion
 Variometer pavilion
 POS-1 Overhauser proton magnetometer
 LEMI-008 vector magnetometer: sensor (top) and electronics block (bottom)
 LEMI-008 and Quartz-3 vector magnetometers in the variometer pavilion
 3T2КП DIM theodolite with a fluxgate magnetometer
 MinGeo DIM THEO020B theodolite with a fluxgate magnetometer
 Data collecting system for LEMI-008 and POS-1
 Data collecting system scheme
Geophysical Observatory "Klyuchi", Koptyug av., 3 Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Name: Olga Fedotova
E-mail: baley‹at›ngs‹dot›ru
Tel.: +7 (383) 330-24-86
Fax: +7 (383) 330-12-61