

  1. IAGA Resolution No.4 (2009): Geomagnetic Observatories.
  2. IAGA Resolution No.5 (2009): Quasi-definitive magnetic observatory data.
  3. IAGA Resolution No.2 (2013): Magnetometer networks.
  4. IAGA Resolution No.1 (2023): Sharing geomagnetic field data across borders.


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  8. Soloviev, A., A. Khokhlov, E. Jalkovsky et al. (2013), The Atlas of the Earth's Magnetic Field (Eds.: A. Gvishiani, A. Frolov, V. Lapshin). Publ. GC RAS, Moscow, 361 pp, doi:10.2205/2013BS011_Atlas_MPZ.
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  1. Bogoutdinov Sh.R., Gvishiani A.D., Agayan S.M., Solovyev A.A., Kihn E. Recognition of disturbances with specified morphology in time series. Part 1: Spikes on magnetograms of the worldwide INTERMAGNET network // Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth. 2010. Vol.46. № 11. P.1004-1016. doi:10.1134/S1069351310110091.
  2. Soloviev A. Artificial intelligence in the Earth’s magnetic field study and INTERMAGNET Russian Segment // ICSU CODATA Newsletter. 100. 2011. P. 4. CODATA Newsletters.
  3. Гвишиани А.Д., Соловьев А.А., Агаян С.М., Богоутдинов Ш.Р., Сидоров Р.В. Алгоритмическая система распознавания выбросов на магнитограммах // Динамика физических полей Земли. М.: Светоч Плюс. 2011. С.297-309.
  4. Sidorov R.V., Soloviev A.A., Bogoutdinov Sh.R. Application of the SP algorithm to the INTERMAGNET magnetograms of the disturbed geomagnetic field // Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth. 2012. Vol.48. № 5. P.410-414. doi:10.1134/S1069351312040088.
  5. A.A. Soloviev, S.M. Agayan, A.D. Gvishiani, Sh.R. Bogoutdinov, A. Chulliat, Recognition of Disturbances with Specified Morphology in Time Series: Part 2. Spikes on 1-s Magnetograms, Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2012, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 395–409. doi:10.1134/S106935131204009X.
  6. Soloviev A., Chulliat A., Bogoutdinov S., Gvishiani A., Agayan S., Peltier A., Heumez B. Automated recognition of spikes in 1 Hz data recorded at the Easter Island magnetic observatory // Earth Planets Space. 2012. Vol.64. № 9. P.743- 752. doi:10.5047/eps.2012.03.004.
  7. A. Soloviev, S. Bogoutdinov, A. Gvishiani, R. Kulchinskiy, and J. Zlotnicki (2013), Mathematical Tools for Geomagnetic Data Monitoring and the INTERMAGNET Russian Segment, Data Science Journal, Vol. 12 (2013), p. WDS114-WDS119, doi:10.2481/dsj.WDS-019.
  8. A. Gvishiani, R. Lukianova, A. Soloviev, A. Khokhlov (2014), Survey of Geomagnetic Observations Made in the Northern Sector of Russia and New Methods for Analysing Them, Surveys in Geophysics, doi:10.1007/s10712-014-9297-8.
  9. R.I. Krasnoperov, R.V. Sidorov, A.A. Soloviev, Modern Geodetic Methods for High-Accuracy Survey Coordination on the Example of Magnetic Exploration, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2015, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 547-554, doi:10.1134/S0016793215040076.
  10. A.A. Soloviev, R.V. Sidorov, R.I. Krasnoperov, A.A. Grudnev, and A.V. Khokhlov (2016), Klimovskaya: A New Geomagnetic Observatory, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2016, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 342–354. doi:10.1134/S0016793216030154.
  11. Gvishiani, A, Soloviev, A, Krasnoperov, R and Lukianova, R (2016) Automated Hardware and Software System for Monitoring the Earth’s Magnetic Environment. Data Science Journal, 15: 18, doi:10.5334/dsj-2016-018.
  12. A. Soloviev, S. Agayan, S. Bogoutdinov, Estimation of geomagnetic activity using measure of anomalousness, Annals of Geophysics, 59 (6), 2016, doi:10.4401/ag-7116.
  13. Agayan, S, Bogoutdinov, S, Soloviev, A and Sidorov, R (2016) The Study of Time Series Using the DMA Methods and Geophysical Applications. Data Science Journal, 15: 16, pp.1–21, doi:10.5334/dsj-2016-016.
  14. Gvishiani A. D., R. V. Sidorov, R. Yu. Lukianova, A. A. Soloviev (2016), Geomagnetic activity during St. Patrick's Day storm inferred from global and local indicators, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 16, ES6007, doi:10.2205/2016ES000593.
  15. V.A. Sapunov, A.Y. Denisov, D.V. Saveliev, А.A. Soloviev, S.Y. Khomutov, P.B. Borodin, E.D. Narkhov, А.V. Sergeev, A.N. Shirokov (2016), New vector/scalar Overhauser DNP magnetometers POS-4 for magnetic observatories and directional oil drilling support, Magnetic Resonance in Solids. Electronic Journal. 2016, Vol. 18, No 2, 16209, 9 pp. Online issue.
  16. А. Гвишиани, А. Соловьев. Магнитное поле Земли онлайн. Коммерсантъ Наука. №2(18). 22.11.2016. с. 26-28. Online issue.
  17. Aleshin, I. M., S. S. Burguchev, K. I. Kholodkov, F. V. Perederin, and A. A. Soloviev (2016), Software for realtime acquisition of geomagnetic data and station management, Russ. J. Earth. Sci., 16, ES5004, doi:10.2205/2016ES000582.
  18. A.Soloviev, A.Chulliat, S.Bogoutdinov (2017), Detection of secular acceleration pulses from magnetic observatory data, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 270 (2017), p. 128-142, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2017.07.005.
  19. Lesur, V., Heumez, B., Telali, A., Lalanne, X., and Soloviev, A. (2017), Estimating error statistics for Chambon-la-Forêt observatory definitive data, Annales Geophysicae, 35(4), 939-952, doi:10.5194/angeo-35-939-2017.
  20. Sidorov, R., Soloviev, A., Krasnoperov, R., Kudin, D., Grudnev, A., Kopytenko, Y., Kotikov, A., and Sergushin, P. (2017), Saint Petersburg magnetic observatory: from Voeikovo subdivision to INTERMAGNET certification, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 6, 473–485, 2017, doi:10.5194/gi-6-473-2017.
  21. Soloviev, A. A., R. Y. Lukianova, M. N. Dobrovolsky, R. V. Sidorov, R. I. Krasnoperov, D. V. Kudin, A. A. Grudnev (2017), Acquisition and systematization of information for database on extreme geomagnetic conditions, Geoinf. Res. Papers, Vol.5, BS5003, doi:10.2205/2017BS044.
  22. Gonsette, A., Rasson, J., Bracke, S., Poncelet, A., Hendrickx, O., and Humbled, F. (2017), Fog-based automatic true north detection for absolute magnetic declination measurement, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 6, 439-446, 2017, doi:10.5194/gi-6-439-2017.
  23. A. Soloviev, V. Lesur, D. Kudin (2018), On the feasibility of routine baseline improvement in processing of geomagnetic observatory data, Earth, Planets and Space, 70:16, 2018, doi:10.1186/s40623-018-0786-8.
  24. Soloviev A., Sh. Bogoutdinov, S. Agayan, R. Redmon, T. M. Loto'aniu, H. J. Singer (2018), Automated recognition of jumps in GOES satellite magnetic data, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 18, ES4003, doi:10.2205/2018ES000626.
  25. A.A. Soloviev, A.G. Smirnov (2018), Accuracy Estimation of the Modern Core Magnetic Field Models Using DMA-Methods for Recognition of the Decreased Geomagnetic Activity in Magnetic Observatory Data, Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2018, Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 872–885, doi:10.1134/S1069351318060101.
  26. A.D. Gvishiani, A.A. Soloviev, R.V. Sidorov, R.I. Krasnoperov, A.A. Grudnev, D.V. Kudin, J.K. Karapetyan and A.O. Simonyan (2018), Successes of the organization of geomagnetic monitoring in Russia and the near abroad, Vestnik Otdelenia nauk o Zemle RAN, Vol. 10, NZ4001, doi:10.2205/2018NZ000357.
  27. S. M. Agayan, A. A. Soloviev, Sh. R. Bogoutdinov, and Yu. I. Nikolova (2019), Regression derivatives and their application to the study of geomagnetic jerks, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2019, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 359–367, doi:10.1134/S0016793219030022.
  28. Kozyreva, O.V., V.A. Pilipenko, A.A. Soloviev, and M. J. Engebretson (2019), Virtual magnetograms - a tool for the study of geomagnetic response to the solar wind/IMF driving, Russ. J. Earth. Sci., 19, ES2005, doi:10.2205/2019ES000654.
  29. Soloviev, A., Smirnov, A., Gvishiani, A., Karapetyan, J., Simonyan, A. (2019), Quantification of Sq parameters in 2008 based on geomagnetic observatory data, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 64, Iss. 11, 2019, pp. 2305-2320, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2019.08.038.
  30. Ohanyan, M.V., A.O. Simonyan, J.K. Karapetyan, A.A. Soloviev, A.D. Gvishiani and R.V. Sidorov (2019), Features of occurrence of the geomagnetic field seasonal variations in the northern part of Armenia, Geophysical Research, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 40-51, doi:10.21455/gr2019.4-3.
  31. Krasnoperov R., Peregoudov D., Lukianova R., Soloviev A., Dzeboev B. (2020), Early Soviet satellite magnetic field measurements in the years 1964 and 1970, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, Vol. 12, 2020, pp. 555-561, doi:10.5194/essd-12-555-2020.
  32. V.E. Chinkin, A.A. Soloviev, V.A. Pilipenko (2020), Identification of vortex currents in the ionosphere and estimation of their parameters based on ground magnetic data, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 559-569, doi:10.1134/S0016793220050035.
  33. Aleshin I.M., Soloviev A.A., Aleshin M.I., Sidorov R.V., Solovieva E.N., K I.Kholodkov (2020), Prospects of Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomagnetic Surveys, Seismic Instruments, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 522–530, doi:10.3103/S0747923920050059.
  34. A.A. Oshchenko, R.V. Sidorov, A.A. Soloviev, E.N. Solovieva (2020), Overview of anomality measure application for estimating geomagnetic activity, Geophysical Research, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 51-69, doi:10.21455/gr2020.4-4.
  35. V.E. Chinkin, A.A. Soloviev, V.A. Pilipenko, M.J. Engebretson, Ya.A. Sakharov (2021), Determination of vortex current structure in the high-latitude ionosphere with associated GIC bursts from ground magnetic data, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 212, 2021, 105514, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105514.
  36. D.V. Kudin, A.A. Soloviev, R.V. Sidorov, V.I. Starostenko, Yu.P. Sumaruk and O.V. Legostaeva (2021), Advanced Production of Quasi-Definitive Magnetic Observatory Data of the INTERMAGNET Standard, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2021, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 54–67, doi:10.1134/S0016793221010096.
  37. Agayan, S.; Bogoutdinov, S.; Krasnoperov, R.; Sidorov, R. A Multiscale Approach to Geomagnetic Storm Morphology Analysis Based on DMA Activity Measures. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(24), 12120; doi:10.3390/app112412120.
  38. Getmanov, V.; Sidorov, R.; Gvishiani, A. A Method for Recognition of Sudden Commencements of Geomagnetic Storms Using Digital Differentiating Filters. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(1), 413; doi:10.3390/app12010413.
  39. Soloviev A.A., Sidorov R.V., Oshchenko A.A., Zaitsev A.N. On the need for accurate monitoring of the geomagnetic field during directional drilling in the Russian Arctic, Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2022, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 420–434, doi:10.1134/S1069351322020124.
  40. Vorobev A, Soloviev A, Pilipenko V, Vorobeva G, Sakharov Y. An Approach to Diagnostics of Geomagnetically Induced Currents Based on Ground Magnetometers Data. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(3):1522; doi:10.3390/app12031522.
  41. Soloviev A.A., Kudin D.V., Sidorov R.V., Kotikov A.L. Detection of the 2020 geomagnetic jerk using near real-time data from the “St. Petersburg” and “Klimovskaya” magnetic observatories, Doklady Earth Sciences, 2022, Vol. 507, Part 1, pp. 925–929; doi:10.1134/S1028334X22700477.
  42. Getmanov V.G., Chinkin V.E., Sidorov R.V., Gvishiani A.D., Dobrovolsky M.N., Soloviev A.A., Dmitrieva A.N., Kovylyaeva A.A., Yashin I.I. Geomagnetic storm prediction based on the neural network digital processing of joint observations of the URAGAN muon hodoscope and neutron monitor stations. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 62(4), 388–398; doi:10.1134/S0016793222040089.
  43. Vorobev A.V., Soloviev A.A., Pilipenko V.A., Vorobeva G.R. Interactive computer model for aurora forecast and analysis. Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2022, 8(2), 84–90; doi:10.12737/stp-82202213.
  44. Belov A.V., Gvishiani A.D., Getmanov V.G., Kovylyaeva A.A., Soloviev A.A., Chinkin V.E., Yanke V.G., Yashin I.I. Recognition of Geomagnetic Storm Based on Neural Network Model Estimates of Dst Indices. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, 2022, 61(1), 54–64;doi:10.1134/s106423072201004x.
  45. Yusupov Valizhon, Soloviev Anatoly, Sidorov Roman. Studying diurnal and secular variations of the Earth's magnetic field using data from Yangibazar magnetic observatory (Uzbekistan). Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2022, 6, 1–14; doi:10.2205/2022es000815.
  46. Soloviev A.A., Peregoudov D.V. Verification of the geomagnetic field models using historical satellite measurements obtained in 1964 and 1970. Earth, Planets and Space, 2022, 74(187); doi:10.1186/s40623-022-01749-5.
  47. Krasnoperov Roman, Sidorov Roman, Grudnev Andrew, Karapetyan Jon, Lazarev Dmitry. On the Magnetic Properties of Construction Materials for Magnetic Observatories. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(4), 2246; doi:10.3390/app13042246.
  48. Soloviev, A., Kopytenko, Y., Kotikov, A., Kudin, D., Sidorov, R. 2017 definitive data from geomagnetic observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG): minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field. ESDB repository. Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2020. doi:10.2205/SPG2017min-def.
  49. Chinkin V.E., Getmanov V.G., Gvishiani A.D., Yashin I.I., Kovylyaeva A.A. Analysis of MLP structures for geomagnetic storm recognition based on ground-based cosmic ray data // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2023, Vol. 87, P. 1074–1076. doi:10.3103/S1062873823702453.
  50. Vorobev Andrei, Soloviev Anatoly, Pilipenko Viacheslav, Vorobeva Gulnara, Gainetdinova Aliya, Lapin Aleksandr, Belakhovsky Vladimir, Roldugin Alexey (2023). Local diagnostics of aurora presence based on intelligent analysis of geomagnetic data. Solnechno-Zemnaya Fizika. 9. 26-34. doi:10.12737/szf-92202303.
  51. Agayan S. M., Bogoutdinov S. R., Sidorov R. V., Soloviev A. A., Kamaev D. A., Aleksanyan A. O., Dzeranov B. V. Regression Derivatives and Their Application in the Study of Magnetic Storms // Russian Journal of Earth Sciences. 2023. no. 6. pp. 1-22. doi:10.2205/2023ES000889.
  52. Kudin D.V., Soloviev A.A., Matveev M.N., Shevaldysheva O.O. (2023). On a novel approach to correcting temperature dependencies in magnetic observatory data. Applied Sciences, 13(14), 1-18. doi:10.3390/app13148008.
  53. Soloviev A.A. Geomagnetic Effect of the Earthquakes with Mw = 7.5–7.8 in Turkey on February 6, 2023 // Doklady Earth Sciences. Vol. 511. No. 1. P. 578—584. doi:10.1134/s1028334x23600731.
  54. Yagova Nadezda, Fedorov E., Pilipenko Viacheslav, Mazur Nikolai. (2023). Natural electromagnetic oscillations in 4–12 Hz frequency range as measured by SWARM satellites and CARISMA magnetometer network. Solnechno-Zemnaya Fizika. 9. 128-137. doi:10.12737/szf-93202314.
  55. Soloviev, Anatoly. (2024). Geomagnetic support for directional drilling. Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 94. 871-877. 10.31857/S0869587324100023.
  56. Soloviev, A.A., Belov, I.O., Vorobev, A.V. et al. Identification of Geomagnetic Disturbances in Near-Earth Space from Satellite Observations during the Magnetic Storm on March 8–9, 1970. Geomagn. Aeron. 64, 546–557 (2024). doi:10.1134/S001679322460036X.
  57. Soloviev, Anatoly & Aleshin, Igor & Anisimov, S. & Goev, Andrey & Morozov, Alexey & Solovieva, E. (2024). The Fine Structure of Coseismic Electromagnetic Response Based on Geomagnetic and Seismological Observations. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth. 60. 891-902. doi:10.1134/S1069351324700812.
  58. Kudin, D. V., Gvishiani, A. D., Nikitina, I. M., Belov, I. O., Dzeboev, B. A., Grudnev, A. A., Dzeranov, B. V., & Krasnoperov, R. I. (2024). Storage and Processing of Big Data for Geomagnetic Support of Directional Drilling. Applied Sciences, 14(21), 9730. doi:10.3390/app14219730.
  59. Sidorov R., Soloviev A., Bogoutdinov Sh. (2025). A 6-year quasi-periodicity in the geomagnetic secular acceleration pulses over 1932–2022. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Volume 361, 2025, 107330, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2025.107330.


  1. Geomagnetic data recorded at Geomagnetic Observatory Klimovskaya (IAGA code: KLI). ESDB repository. Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2015. doi:10.2205/kli2011.
  2. Soloviev, A., Dobrovolsky, M., Kudin, D., Sidorov, R. Minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field from Geomagnetic Observatory Klimovskaya (IAGA code: KLI). ESDB repository. Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2015. doi:10.2205/kli2011min.
  3. Geomagnetic data recorded at Geomagnetic Observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG). ESDB repository. Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016. doi:10.2205/SPG2012.
  4. Soloviev, A., Dobrovolsky, M., Kudin, D., & Sidorov, R. Minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field from Geomagnetic Observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG). ESDB repository. Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016. doi:10.2205/SPG2012min.
  5. Soloviev, A., Kopytenko, Yu., Kotikov, A., Kudin, D., Sidorov, R. 2015 definitive data from geomagnetic observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG): minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field. ESDB repository. Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016. doi:10.2205/SPG2015min-def.
  6. Soloviev, A., Kopytenko, Yu., Kotikov, A., Kudin, D., Sidorov, R. 2016 definitive data from geomagnetic observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG): minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field. ESDB repository. Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017. doi:10.2205/SPG2016min-def.
  7. Soloviev, A., R. Sidorov, A. Grudnev, A. Khokhlov, M. Dobrovolsky, D. Kudin, V. Sapunov, A. Tzetlin and A. Semenov (2019), Geomagnetic data recorded at Geomagnetic Observatory White Sea (IAGA code: WSE). ESDB repository, GCRAS, Moscow, doi:10.2205/WSE-database.
  8. Geomagnetic data recorded at Geomagnetic Observatory Gyulagarak (IAGA code: GLK). ESDB repository. Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2020. doi:10.2205/GLK2020.
  9. Soloviev, A., Dzeboev, B., Karapetyan, J., Grudnev, A., Kudin, D., Sidorov, R., Nisilevich, M., Krasnoperov, R. Minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field from Geomagnetic Observatory Gyulagarak (IAGA code: GLK). ESDB repository. Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2020. doi:10.2205/GLK2020min.
  10. Soloviev, A., Kopytenko, Y., Kotikov, A., Kudin, D., Sidorov, R. Geomagnetic data recorded at Geomagnetic Observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG). SPG2017 geomagnetic database. ESDB repository. Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2020. doi:10.2205/SPG2017.
  11. A. Soloviev, P. Tereshchenko, A. Kotikov, D. Kudin, R. Sidorov, M. Matveev, A. Grudnev (2024). 2018 quasi-definitive data from geomagnetic observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG): minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field. ESDB repository, GCRAS, Moscow, doi:10.2205/SPG2018min-qdef.
  12. A. Soloviev, P. Tereshchenko, A. Kotikov, D. Kudin, R. Sidorov, M. Matveev, A. Grudnev (2024). 2019 quasi-definitive data from geomagnetic observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG): minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field. ESDB repository, GCRAS, Moscow, doi:10.2205/SPG2019min-qdef.
  13. A. Soloviev, P. Tereshchenko, A. Kotikov, D. Kudin, R. Sidorov, M. Matveev, A. Grudnev (2024). 2021 quasi-definitive data from geomagnetic observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG): minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field. ESDB repository, GCRAS, Moscow, doi:10.2205/SPG2021min-qdef.
  14. A. Soloviev, P. Tereshchenko, A. Kotikov, D. Kudin, R. Sidorov, M. Matveev, A. Grudnev (2024). 2022 quasi-definitive data from geomagnetic observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG): minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field. ESDB repository, GCRAS, Moscow, doi:10.2205/SPG2022min-qdef.
  15. A. Soloviev, P. Tereshchenko, A. Kotikov, D. Kudin, R. Sidorov, M. Matveev, A. Grudnev (2024). 2023 quasi-definitive data from geomagnetic observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG): minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field. ESDB repository, GCRAS, Moscow, doi:10.2205/SPG2023min-qdef.
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