Mikhnevo geophysical observatory was founded in 1954. Now it is a branch of the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IDG RAS). The observatory is located in approximately 80 km from the city of Moscow, on the territory of the Moscow region.
The hardware complex installed at the Mikhnevo Geophysical Observatory provides great opportunities for observing interrelated geophysical processes. At the observatory, seismological observations are carried out using seismometers and a low-aperture seismic antenna; as well as measurements of groundwater level fluctuations and dynamic parameters of the ionosphere. Synchronized data processing experimental makes it possible to study the correlated processes occurring in the lithosphere, atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere. In addition to conducting geophysical research, the observatory monitors geodynamic processes and develops new methods of geophysical observations.
The hardware complex for magnetometric measurements and ionosphere conditions monitoring was designed for the following tasks:
- Investigation of interrelated disturbances of the ionosphere, geomagnetic and geoelectric fields by simultaneous measurements of geophysical parameters in a wide range of frequencies and amplitudes;
- The study of the mechanisms and channels of energy transfer between the geospheres and various latitudinal zones;
- Creating a bank of variations of the geophysical fields H parameters of the ionosphere.
The multifunctional digital instrumental complex is also used to study the propagation characteristics of geomagnetic and ionospheric disturbances and the spatio-temporal connections of high-latitude and mid-latitude geophysical parameters. It includes the following devices:
The complex includes
- a high-precision dual-frequency receiver of the GPS navigation system;
- a three-component fluxgate magnetometer LEMI-018 for measuring magnetic field variations in the frequency range 0-1 Hz;
- a group of induction low-frequency magnetometers ТИМ-1, MFS-O6 and MRZ-07 for recording variations of the magnetic field and electromagnetic pulsations in the frequency range of 0.0001 Hz - 50 kHz.
The data are available on the observatory web page.
In 2019, Geophysical Center RAS and the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of RAS decided to deploy a new joint magnetic observatory on the basis of the geophysical observatory "Mikhnevo"The first step of this cooperation took place on April 19, when the FGE vector magnetometer and the Magrec-4B data acquisition system were installed at the Mikhnevo Observatory.
In 2020–2021 the observatory pavilions were constructed, and in 2022 the azimuth mark for the absolute measurements was installed, and its azimuth was determined. In 2023 the full observatory margnetometer set was installed. Since June 2023, the absolute measurements have been carried out on a regular basis.
Mikhnevo geophysical observatory has modern high-performance devices for the rapid transmission of large amounts of data, which provides significant opportunities for expanding and improving the complex of geomagnetic measurements. GC RAS, in turn, has modern high-precision equipment for recording geomagnetic data, capabilities for their collection, processing and preparation of verified magnetograms of the INTERMAGNET standard, as well as systematic experience in the development of geomagnetic observatories, which allows methodological guidance. Thus, the new geomagnetic observatory will be the result of the application of existing developments, resources, experience and scientific and technical potential of both of these institutions. Under the terms of the agreement, GC RAS and IDG RAS will carry out joint research activities, including: creating favorable conditions for data collection and exchange as part of the development of the Russian segment of INTERMAGNET; research support in solar-terrestrial physics; support of space weather research and its impact on the state of industrial and infrastructure facilities; development of scientific cooperation with research organizations in the field of earth sciences. Mikhnevo is the first modern geomagnetic observatory on the vast territory of the central region of the Russian Federation, which records high-quality 1-second sampled data. The observatory is located at a distance from sources of man-made electromagnetic interference, which is confirmed by the noise characteristics of the registered data.
 Absolute pavilion
 Variational pavilion
 FGE fluxgate vector magnetometer
 MINGEO DI fluxgate magnetometer on a THEO 010 A non-magnetic theodolite
 Azimuth mark for absolute measurements
 Magrec-4B data acquisition system installed by the GC RAS staff (right), and the power supply device (left)
 Magrec-4B data acquisition system display
 Geomagnetic pavilion for LEMI-018 and ТИМ-1 magnetometers
 LEMI-018 vector fluxgate magnetometer (front)
 LEMI-018 vector fluxgate magnetimeter (electronic block)
 ТИМ-1 induction 3-component magnetometer
Leninsky Prospect, 38, building 1 Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IDG RAS), Moscow 119334, Russia
Tel.: +7 (499) 137-66-11 (Director)
Tel.: +7 (495) 939-79-65 (Scientific Secretary)