Bor zonal hydrometeorological observatory is an observational unit of the State institution "Krasnoyarsk Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring with Regional Functions".
The observatory is located in 4 kilometers from the central part of the Bor settlement.
It provides meteorological, hydrological, aerological, ionospheric, magnetic observations, as well as water pollution and radiation monitoring.
Meteorological observations at the Bor observatory have been carried out since 1933. Bor observatory is a part of the the reference climatic network of Roshydromet, the global climate observing network and the regional climate reference network.
Bor magnetic observatory is a successor to the Podkamennaya Tunguska observatory, which has been functioning since 1969 and has the POD code in the IAGA. Therefore, after the re-launch of the observatory in 2013, the same IAGA code was keeped for it.
In autumn 2013 the following magnetic hardware was installed at the observation pavilions:
- FGE vector magnetometer;
- GSM-19 proton Overhauser magnetometer for total F field registration;
- MinGeo 010 theodolite with a D&I Fluxgate Magnetometer Model G;
- Magrec data acquisition system.
By the end of July 2016 all the magnetic measurements at the Bor observatory were terminated. The POD observatory is currently inactive.
 Main observatory building
 Pavilions for magnetic observations: absolute (left), variometer (on the background) and technical (right)
 GEM Systems GSM-19 proton precession magnetometer, installed by GC RAS in September 2013
 DTU Space FGE vector magnetometer, installed by GC RAS in September 2013
 MinGeo DIM THEO010 theodolite with a fluxgate Model G magnetometer
 Magrec data collecting system
Bor zonal hydrometeorological observatory Bor 663246, Turukhansk District, Krasnoyarsk Region, Russia
Name: Dr. Anatoly Soloviev
E-mail: geomag‹at›gcras‹dot›ru
Tel.: +7 (495) 930-05-46 Fax: +7 (495) 930-05-06