Magadan geophysical observatory is a standalone structure unit of the Institute of Cosmophysical Researches and Radiowave Propagation, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKIR FEB RAS).
The observatory personnel includes 9 persons. The observatory is located in the Stekolny settlenemt, 70 km noth from the Magadan city. All the observatory works are done within 3 technical buildings and 4 magnetic pavilions.
Main tasks of the observations are:
- Monitoring and measurement of the variations of cosmic rays using the neutron monitor;
- Measurement of absolutw and variational values of the elements of magnetic field;
- Measurements of the ionosphere parameters using the vertical radio sounding technique;
- Shortwave linear frequency modulation (LFM) radiowave transmission for the goals of studying the ionosphere using the inclined radio sounding technique
In 1963 the registration of the state of the ionosphere and
the Earth's magnetic field parameters began on a complex
magnetic-ionospheric station using the automatic ionospheric
station (AIS), analogue magnetic variometer with Bobrov-type sensors and
the proton magnetometer developed in the Pushkov institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radiowave propagation (IZMIRAN). Registering was performed on
films and photographic paper. This hardware is still being used to date.
The magnetic observatory includes 3 wooden pavilions.
In August 1992 according to the Protocol of intentions on collaborative work (Solar-Terrestrial Energy international program) with the Nagoya University, Japan, of June 12, 1991, a DCR-04-01 fluxgate magnetometer including a sensor with a measurement device, a DCR-3 registering device (digital recording on a tape) and the device for time referencing (using the signals of the SW radio station of time service). Since April 2001, instead of the DCR-3 registering device, the DCR-3MC has been used, which provided the hard drive recording and GPS time referencing.
In autumn 2005 the Russian digital magnetic variometer ЦМВС-6 was installed and started in operation. This variometer was based on the Bobrov's magnetic sensors (developed in the IZMIRAN) and the L-154 ADC. Control and registering is realized via PC.
In 2006 the Japanese FRG-601G digital magnetic variometer was installed at the observatory. It has a resolution of 0.01 nT. The data is transmitted to the International Center for Space Weather Science and Education, Kyushu University, Japan (former Space Environment Research Center).
In 2007 in terms of collaboration with the Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) a new automatic magnetometric complex was installed. Also in autumn 2007 the DCR-3MC magnetometer was replaced with the MAGDAS. The technical works were done at the observatory in order to install the induction magnetometer and the sky camera for further helio-geophysical monitoring.
In October 2009 the Magadan observatory got the INTERMAGNET certificate.
In 2011 a GSM-19 FD magnetometer was installed in a repaired pavilion. The observatory includes 4 pavilions: the variometer pavilion, the absolute pavilion, the technical pavilion and the special pavilion for the GSM-19FD device.
In September 2013 the disabled M390 sensor was replaced with the FGE variometer sensor.
Equipment and hardware:
- neutron monitor, developed by the IZMIRAN institute (installed in 1966);
- ЦМВС-6 Bobrov-type digital magnetic variometer, developed by the IZMIRAN institute (installed in 2005);
- FRG-601G fluxgate magnetometer, Japan (installed in 2006);
- GEOMAG M390 vector magnetometer with a DTU Space FGE fluxgate sensor;
- MAGDAS-GOLD magnetometer, Japan (installed in 2007);
- Induction magnetometer, Japan (installed in 2008);
- Magnetomertic complex, Germany, GFZ Potsdam (installed in 2007);
- dIdD GSM-19FD magnetometer, Canada (installed in 2012);
- AIS ionospheric sounding device, USSR (installed in 1963);
- LFM transmitter, Irkutsk, ISTP SB RAS (installed in 1992);
- Photo-optical panorama Sky Camera, Japan (installed in 1992).
 Absolute pavilion
 Variometer pavilion
 Technical pavilion
 GSM-19FD pavilion
 GSM-19FD registering device
 GSM-19FD sensor
 Induction magnetometer sensor
 MinGeo DIM THEO020B theodolite with a Model G fluxgate magnetometer
 FGE vector fluxgate magnetometer
 MAGDALOG device
Geophysical Observatory "Magadan" Stekolny 686134, Khasynsky District, Magadan Region, Russia
Name: Igor Poddelskiy
E-mail: podd-igor‹at›yandex‹dot›ru
Tel.: +7 (41342) 9-82-31
Fax: +7 (41342) 9-82-31